Thursday, May 27, 2010

Japan, In the Eyes Of A Foreigner

Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.) from Kenichi on Vimeo.

I ran across the funny little video today at work during my break. This video is called Japan- the strange country. According to the creator (Kenichi from Vimeo), this is meant to “make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn't that normal” (his words). He created this video in the eyes of a foreigner not as a Japanese person (thats interesting I guess). After viewing the video, even if I didn’t know anything about Japan, this clip just made the country way more interesting to me. I never saw Japan as strange but just different (that’s not bad is it?). In the end, I found this video to be very interesting and beautifully designed. The video is in Japanese but everything in the video is pretty self-explanatory. What do you think about the video?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Game Every Female Gamer Should Play

I have a mission to tokyo but I get distracted by so many wonderful things in life like video games.
I’ve been playing this game nonstop since the first day it was released here in the US. I can’t stop playing it. It’s not my all time favorite video game but It’s defintely in the top 10. Bayonetta (in just my opinion) is the ultimate female video game character. She’s sexy, strong, and doesn’t take shit from nobody. Me and my sister have been thinking and arguing about of what other video game chick could kick Bayonetta’s ass. We can’t come up with one. So if anybody out there can tell me one video game chick that has a chance of winning a battle to the death against Bayonetta please let me know.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The beginning of the Journey

I was surprise on how hard it was going to be for me to write my first post. I thought for hours on what to write about, till I realized that this blog is just meant to be my thoughts, commentary and observations about my road to Tokyo, Japan. This will be a 9 month journey till I finally hit the land of the rising sun. I’m sure this will be an interesting journey because I was given the task by my employer in Japan to “hang out” with Japanese people and to learn about the culture (not liking anime and Japanese horror is enough). How the hell am I going to do that in Arizona? He also told me to take classes and to observe Japanese business men. I’m giving myself a 1 week deadline to figure something out in order to complete this task before our next meeting in September. The only thing standing in my way is a boring job and my love for anime, video games and comic books (btw, I’ll blogging a lot about Phoenix Comic Con this weekend =).
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